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Denki Shikataoku
Denki Shikataoku

Number of posts : 36
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-11-12

Character sheet
Shikastone Left_bar_bleue10000/10000Shikastone Empty_bar_bleue  (10000/10000)
Shikastone Left_bar_bleue10000/10000Shikastone Empty_bar_bleue  (10000/10000)
Character Sheet:

Shikastone Empty
PostSubject: Shikastone   Shikastone Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2007 5:44 pm

abilities- Electromagnetic Current Control, allowing for the user to control electric currents and attract and mold metals (in that sense like Magneto from x-men)
drawbacks- Undetected metals can divert and interrupt such currents and plastics and nonmetals (excluding metalloids such as silicon and other metal-like metalloids) can be used against these people
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