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 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)

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2 posters
Lloyd Harkins

Lloyd Harkins

Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2007-11-12

Character sheet
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue100/1007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue100/1007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
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7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty
PostSubject: 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)   7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2007 9:59 pm

Formed 400 years ago, the Templar eternally guard the Church nad is its military wing. It is led by 7 Templar Grandmasters, all of them skilled in Rhetoric, Theology and military arts. However, recently, in an unprecedented lost, 4 of the 7 have gone missing in Action agaisnt Shan Guo.


7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplarLeader
Miles Stanley De Luca IV
Age: 48
Stone: Arashistone
Status: Missing in Action
Biography: An ardent and zealous leader of the Templars, De Luca has led the Grandmasters for 28 years, and was born with an extreme aptitude with spells. He is currently missing in action in Shan Guo in combat with General Jan Hakura of Tianjing.

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplar
Eliza Reed
Age: 28
Stone: Magnetastone
Status: Killed in Action
Biography: wandering musician who joined Ilia's military wing and was a rising leader. However, she was killed by Archer General Jan Hakura in the battle of Batumkh Gompa.

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplar3
Kirei Ryuudou
Age: 20
Stone: Drakestone
Status: Guarding Ilia
Biography: Named the black Knight, Kirei was from Shan Guo, but converted to the church. From a high Noble family, he is poised to be a future cardinal.

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) LloydTemplar
Lloyd Harkins
Age: 16
Stone: Ironstone
Status: Wandering
Biography: A thief who was converted by Miles Stanley De Luca and thus began work. He is only hte 4th Templar to become simultaneously a Templar and a Cardinal. He has returned to Ilia after a self-imposed exile that was caused by a disagreement with the other Templar about hte invasion of Shan Guo

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplar5
Xu Ling
Age: 30
Stone: Hayatostone
Status: Missing in Action
Biography: The Ranger general, Ling was a mentor to Kirei, and was capalbe of stalking targets miles away. He is currently missing.

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplar4
Ivanova Levski II
Age: 35
Stone: Kaitostone
Status: Killed in Action
Biography: A member of a long line of Church members, she was the first one killed in the invasion of Shan Guo by a stray arrow.

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) MiscTemplar6
Age: 15
Stone: ????
Status: Guarding Ilia
Biography: one of the few traceable generals, Arien was admitted into the templars due to her massive memory and magical abilities, and is the keeper of hte library records. however, that does not mean she is deficient in combat skills, having defeated the Shadow General of Shan Guo, Legault Berceau, once. However, she was dispatched back due to her sickliness.
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Number of posts : 55
Age : 30
Location : Stone Caves Village
Stone : HayatoStone
Destiny Sword : no one
Registration date : 2007-11-12

Character sheet
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue10000000000/100000000007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000000/10000000000)
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue10000000000/100000000007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000000/10000000000)
Character Sheet:

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)   7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2007 12:52 am

wats all tis about
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Lloyd Harkins

Lloyd Harkins

Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2007-11-12

Character sheet
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue100/1007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue100/1007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Character Sheet:

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)   7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2007 1:50 am

event. you'll see later.
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Number of posts : 55
Age : 30
Location : Stone Caves Village
Stone : HayatoStone
Destiny Sword : no one
Registration date : 2007-11-12

Character sheet
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue10000000000/100000000007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000000/10000000000)
7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Left_bar_bleue10000000000/100000000007 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000000/10000000000)
Character Sheet:

7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)   7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2007 9:03 pm

allright i cant wait
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PostSubject: Re: 7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction)   7 templar grandmasters of the Church (introduction) Icon_minitime

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