The Seven Stones
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The Seven Stones

A RPG about Seven Stones
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 The Seven Stones

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Hideaki Drake
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Hideaki Drake

Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere...along the darkness.....
Stone : Drakestone
Destiny Sword : Hiyashimasu
Registration date : 2007-11-11

Character sheet
The Seven Stones Left_bar_bleue92233/92233The Seven Stones Empty_bar_bleue  (92233/92233)
The Seven Stones Left_bar_bleue10000/10000The Seven Stones Empty_bar_bleue  (10000/10000)
Character Sheet: When light disappears and darkness stays and everything seems lost, I stay there with the darkness!

The Seven Stones Empty
PostSubject: The Seven Stones   The Seven Stones Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2007 5:50 am

The Seven Stones is about the seven stones that all broke and were lost.Everyone has a part of the stone it has lots and lots of pieces.The part of their stone is in their chest.Once a person dies the piece of the stone is removed from the person's body and it instantly goes to another one.Each stone has a different ability and different drawbacks.Here is the list for the stones.

Drakestone-A powerful stone which has the shadow control ability.The drawback is that you can only use it in a places with shadows and it uses to much energy you can only use it a little.

Demonstone-(will ask)

Arashistone-This stone allows the host to very quickly learn
multiple spells and techniques, as well as giving
the host the ability to analyse their situation.
another ability is to raise the physical strenght at
it's limit.

Hayatostone-This stone lets you take form of rare and strrrroooong animals.Drawback is that you cannot use that stone's ability for 1 day.

Kaitostone-Ability To Dissolve Into The Ground,Drawback - If Used To Often User Is Left Unconcious Above The Ground Leaving Them Open For Attack

Magnetastone-abilities- Electromagnetic Current Control, allowing for the user to control electric currents and attract and mold metals (in that sense like Magneto from x-men)
drawbacks- Undetected metals can divert and interrupt such currents and plastics and nonmetals (excluding metalloids such as silicon and other metal-like metalloids) can be used against these people
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